Lesson 1.3 – Mercury Switches Copy


Approximate time to complete this lesson: 7 minutes.

Lesson 1.3 Video

Begin Lesson 1.3 by watching this video (1 minute, 8 seconds)

Review of Lesson 1.3


  1. Determine the presence of mercury switches. Mercury switches are commonly located under the hood, in the trunk, in the glovebox and in ABS systems.
  2. Remove the parts that contain mercury, e.g. the switches.
  3. Remove the mercury component from the switch.
  4. Place mercury components in the recycling container labeled “Mercury Switches”.

Quality Control:

  1. For additional information on mercury switch removal, including listings of vehicles that contain mercury switches and their specific locations, see “Removal Procedures” at www.switchout.ca.

Health & Safety:

  1. Mercury in automobiles is the single largest source of mercury in use in Canadian products.
  2. Mercury is extremely dangerous to the environment, so the pellets must be removed prior to the hulk being sent for shredding.

The next lesson (topic) is Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)