Approximate time to complete this lesson: 10 minutes.
Lesson 3.10 Video
To begin Lesson 3.10, watch this video (2 minutes, 03 seconds).
Review of Lesson 3.10
- Lubricate wheel nuts.
- Remove the wheel.
- Disconnect the ABS sensor but do not cut wire.
- Place a catchment under the suspension to catch any residual oils.
- Undo bolts from the caliper.
- Remove rubber brake line and place in the catchment.
- Crimp hoses if necessary.
- Remove the cotter pin.
- Undo the main lock-nut or main spindle-bolt. The brake rotor will slide off of towards you.
- Mark stock numbers on all parts.
Quality Control:
- Disable handbrake before performing this operation.
- Cotter pins are commonly found on older model vehicles. Late model vehicles typically do not use carter pins.
- Basic tools required.
Health & Safety:
- Standard PPE applies.
- Risks:
– It is recommended that you use a dust mask when removing brakes and brake pads.
– Brake pads may contain asbestos.
– Risk of cuts
– Risk of dust in eyes
Next up is Section 4: Work Orders, Parts Cleaning & Storage, Shipping & Sectioning