Approximate time to complete this lesson: 10 minutes.
Lesson 3.2 Video
To begin Lesson 3.2, watch this video (3 minutes, 02 seconds).
Review of Lesson 3.2
- Lower vehicle to ground with hoist or forklift.
- Remove top radiator and heater hose. Always place catch basin underneath to catch any residual fluids.
- Remove cooling fan assembly (if not left on with radiator).
- Disconnect all lines from radiator and air condition condenser.
- Remove radiator. Ensure there’s a catchment container to catch any residual fluids.
- Remove air conditioning condenser.
- Remove air cleaner.
- Disconnect wire harness.
- Unbolt other components as required.
Quality Control:
- See BC Spill Reporting Regulation for spill reporting requirements.
- Two basic cooling fan types:
a) One piece assembly
b) Two piece: fan clutch and fan shroud.
- Fan supporters should not be broken or damaged.
- Fan blades must not be broken or damaged. Blades should rotate easily by hand.
- Make sure that the radiator has been drained of fluids.
- All fluids must be contained in their own environmental safe catchment.
- Condenser pipes must be in good condition.
- Ensure gases have been removed and do not contain any residual gases.
- Note any damage on work order.
- Check for corrosion on condenser and radiator.
- Specific Tools: basic tools, reciprocating saw, if needed.
Health & Safety:
- Standard PPE: gloves, protective eye wear.
- Risks:
Risk of splashing fluids into eyes.
- Always attend to spills during the removal of wet parts.
The next lesson (topic) is Engine Removal and Drain