Approximate time to complete this lesson: 10 minutes.
Lesson 3.4 Video
To begin Lesson 3.4, watch this video (1 minutes 53 seconds).
Review of Lesson 3.4
- Lubricate wheel nuts.
- Remove wheel nuts
- Remove wheels.
- Remove tires.
- Disconnect ABS. Do not cut wires.
- Remove rubber brake lines.
- Undo horseshoe clamp bolt on the right-hand side.
- Lower safely to the ground.
- Undo the left-hand bolts and safely lower to the ground.
- Get assistance to move.
Quality Control:
- The vehicle should be safely on a hoist or wheel stands. Ensure the vehicle is stable before going underneath.
- Inspect gears and axles for excessive wear and magnet for any shavings.
- Look to see if it is not bent.
- Notate any damage on the work order.
- Do not cut emergency brake cables.
- Specific Tools:
– Hoist
– Axle Stands
– Hydraulic Jack
Health & Safety:
- Standard PPE applies.
- Risks:
– It is important that you verify the vehicle is secure because of the weight changes caused by the removal of the part.
The next lesson (topic) is Engine Break Down