Module 2, Lesson 9 Copy


Approximate time to complete this lesson: 10 minutes.

Lesson 9 Video

To begin Lesson 9, watch this video (3 minutes, 8 seconds).

Review of Lesson 9

Understanding the Importance of Good Inventory Management

As an inventory specialist you are a vital link in the quality control process. It is your job to properly record and communicate all damage and concerns to the rest of your team to ensure that the product you have described is the product that is ultimately delivered to the repair facility.

Recyclers need to properly grade their inventory and price competitively. You need to work with collision repair facilities and understand each other’s needs. Communication is the key!

When inventorying and selling a part it is important to try to notice even the small details. Recyclers are typically not collision repair techs and may not be able to see certain types of damage. Therefore, quality control is critical.

When grading a part look at the part as if you were installing it on your own car!

It is important that before you inventory parts that the parts be cleaned.

When inspecting the parts for damage look from all angles.

Ensure you have adequate lighting. Without adequate lighting you may miss important details about the part which will surface only after the part has been shipped.

Check all mounting tabs & points.

The repair facility is counting on you to send the part as described and want their inspection to be brief.

Note the obvious damage like peeling paint, rust, etc.

But even parts that appear to at first glance to have no damage will need a second look. How about wavy surfaces? How about minor marks or pinholes?

Note any sanding marks showing through the paint. This is a sign of previous body work and old body work will have to be re-done. Many times new paint can complicate old body work. Multiple layers of paint can cause issues and new paint can cause previous work to ‘boil-up’.

It is important to accurately record information so that your sales staff can properly communicate the damage to the repair facility. It is equally important that your sales staff be as detailed and as accurate as possible in communicating this information to the repair facility. Be wary of using jargon or other opaque terms just to make a sale. And remember ‘refreshing’ to a repair facility is repair time beyond sanding and painting.

Congratulations! You have reached the end of Module 2 of the Auto Recycler Certification Course.

To complete Module 2, take the following short quiz:

Module 2 Quiz